夏天將到,控油很重要。天氣熱時,臉上的妝就浮粉,真糗!由日本花王開發製造的蘇菲娜控油瓷效妝前隔離乳,只在台灣販賣,超級好用~ 不論有沒有化妝,它有效的控油,且不乾燥。針對易出油或混合性肌膚的美人來說,是聖品。

It's getting warmer so that it's important to maintain the water-oil balance. It's embarrassing when makeup is smudged when it is warm.  Developed and made by Kao, Japan base company, Sofina Primavista Ange is official sold in Taiwan.  It works well for oily and combination skins keeping your face clear for a whole day long.  Wear it applying makeup or not in day time.


(點圖,Click the image for price and spec or you may refer to the below spec in English)


Makeup base that is able to conceal large pores, dull skin tone, pigmentation and rough skin texture.

Foundation that applied follows can stay on the skin nicely and last longer.

Can be worn alone or under foundation, works overtime for brightening result.

Contains hydrating and sunscreen ingredients that moisturizes your skin. With SPF25 and hydrating ingredient Chamomile Extract, it gives you basic sun protection without drying out the natural moisture of your skin.

Does not clog pores or create a greasy layer on the skin which may darken the shade of foundation that applied follows.

  • Sebum Free
  • Shine Free
  • Up to 8 hours of long keep of fresh makeup
  • Prevent dull skin tone
  • Prevent appearance of pigmentation and rough skin texture
  • Hydrate and moisturizing the skin
  • UV protection (SPF 25PA++)
  • Fragrance Free

Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin.

Made in Japan

Size: 25ml




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