報告各位好消息,康是美面膜買一送一的活動將持續到 2016/04/19 ,這是這一期的促銷。大家可以上它的網頁逛逛,這次促銷的品牌有森田、我的心機、豐台灣、Sexylook等,都是受到台灣美眉及外國遊客歡迎的品牌。我的美麗日記不在這一期促銷名單。


Cosmed extends the promotion of sheet mask, Buy 1 get 1 free, to April 19, 2016.  Here's the link that promotion brands involve Dr. Morita, My Scheming, From Taiwan, Sexylook etc. which are popular among Taiwanese and tourists.  Yet, My beauty diary doesn't involved this time.





Still, the promotion at PChome for MBD can be found until Mar 31, 2016.  Keep your time and enjoy your shopping.




提醒: 購買任何商品時,應仔細閱讀各賣家的規定。例如瑕疵及其他相關問題,每家規定不一,所以一定要看清楚。祝各位有美好的shopping!

Reminder: It is a must to read over the policy of each seller when deciding a purchase.  For instance, defects and others, as different sellers have different policies, Buyer needs to pay attention to them.  Have a nice shopping!




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