台灣是四季大各種水果的王國,只要品種適應台灣環境及氣候,種出來的水果都很好吃,台灣的農夫及技術真的很厲害!很多光觀客來台,對台灣水果讚不絶口,便宜又好吃。但水果又不能直接購買回國,怎麼辦?這裡介紹兩種水果乾,芒果乾及檸檬乾 (獨家)供各位參考。

Taiwan is a fruit kingdom where produces different fruits in different seasons. Due to mature agricultural technology, domesticated fruits taste luscious. Tourists from other countries enjoy the inexpensive and marvelous fruit in Taiwan. However, it is not allowed to bring any fresh fruit back to home countries.  Here's an alternative way to bring it back, dried fruit.  Dried mango and lemon (exclusive) are introduced in this thread.



Taiwanese mango tastes decently delightful and sweet.  I love mango since I was a child and always expected summer coming soon to have it.  When growing up, I wondered such a delicious fruit not able to sell to other countries. Finally, in recent years, our farmers have overseas channels that mango has been popular in developed countries. BUT... the price become higher in local market that proves the supply-demand principle.



People in overseas who have never been to Taiwan, haven't had mango or miss mango are suggested to get some dried mango. Although there are many suppliers, it is often out of stock as Taiwanese like to taste it.  Here are 2 Sellers who provide natural dried mango without chemical ingredient. The main difference is the drying process.

鄭叔叔芒果乾 (圖一) 採低溫冷風乾燥,賣家本身為芒果農。

Uncle Cheng (image 1), the seller is a mango farmer who applies low-temperature drying process.

盛發芒果乾 (圖二) 採烘烤乾燥,這間上過媒體,專門做水果乾。

Mango Yang (image 2), the seller professionally produces various dried fruits that has exposed by several local media.




檸檬乾市面上少在賣,但它是家很棒的家庭常備品。嘴巴總覺得乾,喝完水還是乾,含一片就會舒緩;孕婦孕吐或開完刀因麻醉藥想吐,含著檸檬乾會舒服很多 (這是親身經歷)。總覺得它很好用,含著口氣清新,所以推薦給大家。 : )

It's hardly to find dried lemon in open market. Dried lemon is useful to keep it. When one feels his/ her mouth dry even if water is drunk, it'll keep mouthwatering. I had personally experienced vomits in morning sickness and the sickness symptom of anesthetic fading after operation. Keeping 1 piece of dried lemon in mouth dilutes the symptom and ease a lot. Additionally, it keeps mouth fresh.  I recommend it.  : )



Due to naturally dried by sun, not machine, it takes 2 to 3 weeks or even longer as it depends on weather.  The quantities are limited. The seller originally made it for their family demand. Owing to word-and-mouth reputation, more and more local people purchase from the seller who keeps low profile as the dried lemon is limited in volume and it is seasonable.


檸檬乾以手工一刀一刀切,含著或泡茶都好用。售價NT$200/ 100g。

The slices are chopped by hand and its thickness is both good to keep in mouth or apply hot water (like make a tea).  Price: NT$200/ 100g






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