粉刺是大部份人的惡夢,在清粉刺產品尚未出現時,只能用萬能的手用力去清理,可是非常的痛~ 弄得臉一處處紅朣;很傷皮膚。

Acne is the nightmare of most of people.  Before the acne removal product debut, people got rid of acne by their hand that was pretty hurt and had inflamed on face skin.  It incurred acne scar.



More and more acne removal products in beauty market.  Here are 3 products that can be apply together or independently.



(click images)
欣蘭 黑裡透白凍膜- 它的功效是軟化粉刺、清潔毛孔、去黑透白及舒緩鎮靜。其中軟化粉刺的功能,是它受市場歡迎最主要原因,功效顯著,一大罐可以很奢侈的用,價位相對之下很便宜。欣蘭是台灣公司,本項商品它的明星產品。

DMC Deep Cleansing Mask- It features softening acne, cleaning pores, removing dirts turning to brightening and calm the skin. The softening acnes is the most recommended by netizens as it works significantly with jumbo package in affordable price.  It's a Taiwan product.


網友心得 netizen feedback





聖克萊爾 粉刺速淨MP3- 這一款也是男男女女的大愛品項,透過塗抺拔除的方式去粉刺,廣獲得很多人的推薦。momo限時85折,只到3/31。

St.Clare Sebum treatment set- Both girls and boys love it.  It forms a mask to remove acne clearly that many young people recommend it.  It is in 15% off until Mar 31, 2016.


格文 blogger's review




俏佳人去粉刺挽面- 這一款的清除力大,但相對較黏,是面膜的樣式。目前第二件5折,只到今日(3/30)。

Kawae acne removal mask for T and U zones- It has a high viscosity to remove acne strongly.  The discount is 50% off for the 2nd one until today (Mar 30, 2016).


格文 blogger's review




相較欣蘭以溫和方式,使粉刺浮出,面膜拔除的方式相較刺激直接。 兩種可以並行使用

DMC applies a gentle way to soften acne and let them easily to be removed.  Applying mask is relatively irritating, but direct to remove them.  Both ways can be applied together.




提醒: 購買任何商品時,應仔細閱讀各賣家的規定。例如瑕疵及其他相關問題,每家規定不一,所以一定要看清楚。祝各位有美好的shopping!

Reminder: It is a must to read over the policy of each seller when deciding a purchase.  For instance, defects and others, as different sellers have different policies, Buyer needs to pay attention to them.  Have a nice shopping!




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