
From pale-style-ombre lips to glossy ombre lips, they're similar way to make up.  The latter looks more vigorous with glossy lips.



(click images)


Here are the tutorials for ombre lips.  It doesn't have much different with the pale one, but merely apply lip gloss.




Make ombre lips shall apply highly pigmented and cremesheen lipsticks.  The matte one doesn't work well for the makeup.


格文教學 Ombre lip Tutorial


ZA日不落驚艷保濕唇膏- 在顯色及滋潤度廣獲好評,很適合拿來化染唇妝。4月19日前 85折。

Za Vibrant Moist Lipstick is highly recommended by users with highly pigmented as well as its cremesheen.  It works good for ombre lips.  15% off before April 19, 2016.





評比 review

格文 blogger's review


珂莉奧光撩鏡感羽絨唇膏 共4色-來自韓國的唇膏,同樣色彩顯明並帶光澤。是2016年3月新上市的系列。4月19日前享折扣。

Clio Stay Shine Lip Syrup Stick (4 colours)- The Korean brand lipstick features highly pigmented in cremesheen.  It debuts in Mar 2016 in Taiwan.  Discount before April 19.






Applying the above lipsticks work good for ombre lips~




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